Wholesale Insurance Services
Wholesale Insurance Services
Become a wholesaler with the most effective liability and protection plans for you and for your employees. At Cravens / Warren Co., we offer wholesalers protection services for your property, liability, transportation, workers compensation programs, and income and expense. Protect every angle of your wholesale assets.
Wholesalers Seamless / Continuous Property Protection
The WIP® Preferred Property Policy protects your property, whether it is a building, a computer or inventory; whether it is in your warehouse or in a truck in transit to your customer.
Wholesalers General Liability Protection
As the courts continue to determine different ways a business may be liable-and how much that liability should cost-your insurance must evolve to meet changing legal trends. We offer a plan with comprehensive general liability protection combining various liability coverages.
Wholesalers Auto and Truck Fleet Protection
In addition to providing what has become standard coverage, the WIP® has been expanded to automatically include coverages not commonly available. These enhancements do a better job of protecting your vehicles and a better job protecting your business.
Wholesalers Workers Compensation Protection
Worker’s Compensation coverage provides medical expenses, disability, permanent and partial impairment and death benefits for your employees should they become injured or sick in the course of employment. These benefits (Statutory Compensation) are mandated by each state.
Wholesalers Umbrella Liability Protection
Umbrella Liability Protection provides your business with protection over and above your primary protection limits. Umbrellas are available with $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 limits and greater if required.
Wholesalers Income and Expense Coverage
Business Incomes coverage protects your income when you have a covered loss. Extra Expense coverage protects you when you must spend money quickly to maintain quality service or get back in business because of a covered loss. The WIP® COP automatically includes combined Business Income and Extra Expense coverage.