Cravens Warren

Serving the risk management and commercial insurance needs of business. Cravens Warren, founded in 1946, has been serving the insurance needs of...

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  • 10011 West Gulf Bank
    Houston, TX 77040
  • Phone (713) 690-6000
    Fax (713) 690-6020
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Wholesalers Umbrella Liability Protection

Umbrella Liability Protection provides your business with protection over and above your primary protection limits. Umbrellas are available with $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 limits and greater if required. Catastrophic loss. WIP® has you covered. 

Umbrella coverage is available to provide your business with additional protection from catastrophic liability losses.

Our policy has special features: When a claim is paid under most other umbrella and there is no underlying liability coverage, the insured is usually responsible for the first $10,000 of the claim. Our umbrella provides first-dollar coverage.

Some umbrellas reimburse the insured after a claim has been paid out of their own pocket. Our umbrella pays your legal expenses and the claim direct.

Limits of $1,000,000 to $10,000,000 or more are available.

One of the highlights of our Umbrella is it does not contain a Punitive Damages Exclusion.