NFIP Minimum Flood Elevation Rules Woefully Inadequate
27 Sep 2009 |
Just a year since
Hurricane Ike - the third most costly hurricane in U.S. history - hit coastal communities in Texas with a powerful storm surge,
a new study by the Institute for Business and Home Safety (IBHS)
says government minimum
flood insurance elevation requirements for Gulf Coast
properties vulnerable to storm surge are woefully inadequate. Its
report on property damage caused by Hurricane Ike finds that many
properties are not built high enough to withstand storm surges. The
IBHS study questions the current basis for elevating properties along
the Gulf Coast and urges the
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
to provide greater incentives for building well above the minimum
elevations now in place. As well as providing
flood insurance, the NFIP
establishes base flood elevation (BFE) levels for properties. All but a
handful of properties located closest to the coast on the Bolivar
Peninsula, Texas and even built to the highest elevation requirements,
were washed away during Hurricane Ike. By contrast, the study found
that 10 homes on the Bolivar Peninsula designed and built under the
IBHS Fortified...for safer living program, survived the storm with minor
damage. The Fortified homes had outdoor decks at 18 feet that were
destroyed, but the homes themselves which were elevated to 26 feet,
survived. According to IBHS, most homes in coastal areas are built to
or slightly above 100-year BFEs. “A 100-year flood means that the level
of flood water has a 1 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded in
any single year. However, it is well recognized in the engineering
community that coastal homes built to this level have a 26 percent
chance of being flooded or demolished over the life of a 30-year
mortgage,” says IBHS Chief Engineer Dr. Tim Reinhold. Check out
I.I.I. information on flood insurance.